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To quickly go to the doc create page : type "c" and then "d" from anywhere in the application (for "C"reate "D"oc)


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The searches are case insensitive

Classic search

  • Search beahavior : AND
    • bake coffee returns documents that contains bake and coffee
    • bake | coffee returns documents that contains bake | coffee
    • bake | coffee cake returns documents that contains bake as well as the documents that contains both coffee and cake
  • Search beahavior : OR
    • bake coffee returns documents that contains bake or coffee
    • bake & coffee returns documents that contains bake and coffee
    • bake & coffee cake returns documents that contains both bake and coffee as well as the documents that contains bake and cake

Full text search

  • To match on a phrase, as opposed to individual terms, enclose the phrase double quotes ("), as in: "ssl certificate"
  • \"ssl certificate\" authority key returns documents that contains the full phrase ssl certificate as well as (authority or key or ssl or certificate)
  • bake coffee -cake returns documents that contains bake or coffee but does not contains cake
  • The full text search matches on the complete stemmed word. So if a document field contains the word blueberry, a search on the term blue will not match. However, blueberry or blueberries will match.


To add a follow up type the two keys : "f" "u" on your keyboard (fu : follow up)

You can use this shortcut from anywhere in the application


To create a task type the two keys : "c" "t" on your keyboard (ct : create task)

You can use this shortcut from anywhere in the application


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