
Going Paperless

This idea was going through my head for a couple of months and I am now determine to give it a try : Going Paperless. I would like to stop using notebooks at the office.

Motivations :

  • It’s green
  • It will probably contribute to a better management of my project notes
  • I could travel lighter
  • My paper book has a lack of functionalities :
    • I cannot use Ctrl+F to find in my paper notebook !
    • I can tag my notes but I cannot rearrange them by tags!
    • It is difficult to share my notes with colleagues.
    • I cannot paste pictures within my notebook.
    • If I lost my notebook in the train, I lost everything !
    • I have to retype everything when I am at my desk in front of my computer

What I think I need :

  • An ipad with sim card
  • The Evernote suite : Evernote, Penultimate, Skitch
  • A stylus
  • A keyboard for ipad
  • An Ipad case that can hold the keyboard and the stylus

I will start in september and keep you posted about how it goes and if I am missing the paper. Please if you have any suggestions feel free to post a comment below.

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